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Bryson and The ABC’s

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Halfway to Somewhere

Here we are at the start of a new year and Drew’s birthday once again. This year Drew turned 35, which I guess is halfway to 70. We had some of our best friends over for dinner last week and the night of his birthday we made pizza and had chocolate fondue at home. Thanks for all the happy phone calls and well wishes, even though they were for Drew it just reminds me of what wonderful friends and family we have.
The past few months have been busy ones and we hope as the year goes things will settle in a bit. I am now 20 weeks pregnant, about halfway. I am just starting to really feel like I have join the pregnant club. The baby had been moving every night as I relaxed and got ready for bed and just today was really active as I was walking around. My belly is just big enough that at the sandwich place today when I asked for pickles the woman said they were out but they would find some for a pregnant woman. This being the first time a stranger and noted I was pregnant.

I am also about halfway done with my Lactation Consultant program and I hope to speed it up a bit and finish my clinical hours by June 1st. I am now working regularly at the local hospital doing both childbirth and lactation education. Bryson is now at school about 3 days a week and really love it, last week we got a note from a teacher about how good he is about cleaning up and helping others. I know he didn’t get the cleaning up things from us!

Well I have put a note into Drew to post new pictures and to add a video of Bryson singing his ABC’s all the way through maybe it will happen soon.

June 28th is the due date and Bryson is conviced he is going to have a sister!

Back to School

This week B headed back to preschool and the first day they had pizza for lunch. Although it is not usually something we eat it is hard to pass up the easy meal when the kid says “Eat-ZZA Please”. He was so happy that when I came to pick him up after lunch he didn’t want to leave.

I will also be heading back to school this fall. I am just getting some use out of Drew’s nice benefits and going to take some classes that will help me with my website, handouts and other art stuff. I am also going to continue working towards my Lactation Consultant Certification by taking another course through UCSD.

We have also been blessed with Bryson’s growing vocabulary. This week the cutest words include “Well Loo” (Yellow) and “ooMEAL” (Oatmeal).

Don’t worry Drew will post photos sometime. 🙂

Summer Travels

We have not been posting because we have been traveling like crazy. No great adventures just seeing the best of California and family. In May we headed to Patrick’s Point for a weekend of camping with Emily, Sean, Ryan and Eric. It was great to have the Demontes come eat dinner with us while up there and the kids had a blast roasting marshmallows. Two weeks later we went to Sacramento fo the first part on my Lactation Educator course. The class was 3 long days but really interesting. Drew and Bryson went to the Sacramento zoo, found a park with fountains for kids to play in and went swimming in the pool at Emily’s.


Just 10 days later we drove to Monterey to meet all of Drew’s family, meeting Attila (the baby Attila) for the first time! We rented a boat to spread the ashes of Drew’s mom into the ocean, while on the boat we saw a few whale up close which was great for the kids. For the 4th of July we went to the Monterey Bay Aquarium. Bryson had a blast seeing all the fish!


A week later we headed back to Sacramento to finish my lactation class. Bryson and Drew spent a ton of time in the pool and went to the Train Museum. One the way home we saw the fires near HWY 299 up close. You can see pics on the previous post.


Last weekend we went to Trinity Lake to celebrate Sean’s 40th birthday.  Drew’s dad, Sy, came out to visit and we had a smoky but relaxing time swimming and hanging out.  


This is Bryson last week of summer day care. He has just got to the point where he loves it so we are hoping the break is not to long for him. He is asking for Miss Betsy everyday. He loves doing bubbles and playing with water at the water play table.


Well we are headed out today for a walk and to take B to school. 

IMG_0886.JPGKit, Bryson and I were driving back from Sacramento last night on Highway 299. We got off to a late start and ended up driving 299 in the dark. For those that have not done this, its not fun. Curvy, two lanes with lots of wildlife to watch out for AND a couple of active wild fires! We did the drive on Saturday down to Sacramento during the day and it wasn’t fun with all the smoke from the wild fires. At a point it was thicker than some fog we see in Humboldt. We never did see fire, but we knew it was close. Well last night about 1/2 into the drive on 299 we started to see some red glowing parts of the hill side. I made the comment to Kit that I have really never seen a forest fire, except for the smoke. Driving a bit farther we saw that it was rather big and and very active. We took some shots from our camera and tried to capture the fire. These shots were taken around the DelLoma Area.

More Pictures!

Flower?I have uploaded more pictures of Bryson spaning 20-21 months. Check them out.

More Signs

Here is an updated list of Bryson’s Signs… 

  • Mama
  • Daddy
  • Help
  • Duck
  • Bird
  • Lion
  • Raccoon
  • Skunk
  • Zebra
  • Bear
  • Tent
  • Camping
  • Bridge
  • all done
  • moms milk (nursings)
  • Socks
  • Shoes
  • Hi
  • Bye
  • dog
  • cat
  • book
  • bath
  • teeth brushing
  • dirty
  • please
  • water
  • ball
  • more
  • cereal
  • apple
  • juice
  • cow (also used for Cow’s Milk)
  • play
  • hand washing
  • owl
  • fish (also used for Gold Fish crackers)
  • tree
  • cookie
  • cheese
  • eat
  • thank you
  • sit down
  • driving/ car
  • jacket
  • baby
  • hat
  • fireman

Summer Time

Yes we know the website is in need of some in pictures and videos. We used to have so much more time to get it all done! I am glad I thought having a baby was easy because if that was a challenge a toddler would be unbearable. Bryson has become such a toddler these days we can’t get over it. Today we had a screaming tantrum in CostCo. I was so thankful for the wonderful (childless?) people standing in the book section, as I was holding him crying and kicking they were giving me the look of death. Those type of people always seem to make things better, right? Did anyone think to ask if they could help? Nope. All ended well after I threaten to take his backpack off, he stopped crying and just wanted me to hold him. He was long over due for a nap so I guess I had it coming.

We just got back from a few days in Sacramento where I was attending a Lactation course and Drew was hanging out with Bryson. On Sunday Bryson and I went swimming where he enjoyed his “backpack” known to most of us as a life vest… (do you see a theme with the backpacks??) When I was in class the boys went to a park with fountains Bryson could play in and to the zoo.

We came back late Wednesday to find that we left the door of my car ajar and I had a dead battery. We have since got it all charged up and didn’t have to go buy one but it took a day to get it all working, and there is nothing like living without transportation and a toddler at home.

On Thursday we went to Bryson’s preschool for a potluck. It was great to see the other kids and get to know the other parents and teachers. Bryson has been going to the Child Care Center at HSU for about a month and it is working out well for the whole family. Since I have attended three births this month it is great to have reliable childcare!

 Well we hope everyone is enjoying the summer so far and we can’t wait to hear all about your wonderful trips and lazy days at home.


Where does the time go?

Bryson is almost 20 moths old, where has the time gone? We spend everyday doing something just a little bit different, a little bit better. We have worked into a schedule where 11:15 and 3:30 are total melt down. This is the opportunity to nap, miss it and you just wait around for the next time or bed. Now that I have this figured out I don’t wonder what is wrong when he is crying over nothing at 11:05 but I sure now that I have figured this out he will change it all in just a few days. 

Bryson has started to really play with his friend instead of around them. He just loves to hug on them and show off all of his books, toys and most of all Trixie. His most favorite friend, Emma, who I think is his favorite only because he can say her name, runs from him and never wants a hug. When he hugs her she cries, which leads to him hugging her more. How can you tell a kid not to hug his crying friend? I tell you no one tells you that you will spend your days as a mom teaching your son to hug someone when they are sad but not when you make them sad by hugging them in the first place! Poor guy.


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