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7 Months and Ready to Crawl

Bryson in the BathtubBryson turns 7 months old on Mothers Day! Not too many pictures this months, but boy did Bryson have fun in the bathtub! Thanks Aunt Emily and cousin Ryan for the bathtub safety seat. He also mysteriously turned from his back to his stomach while he was sleeping, a new milestone. We see the beginnings of crawling and he loves to stand (with help of course). This month we had another first, the first all family illness, Kit, Bryson and I all had colds at the same time. Bad news for those who wanted Bryson to be a vegetarian, he had some turkey and chicken in the past few days. He loved it. Check out the latest pictures.

6 Months and Growing

Bryson at 6 Months
Bryson was born on a Friday the 13th. Six months later he will be 6 months old on Friday the 13th. More photos have been added to the his online Photo Album.
Byrson hit many milestones this month. He now eats solid food, can sit up by himself, loves to flirt, and will stick everything/anything in his mouth.

5 Months Old

Bryson is 5 months old… More pictures have been uploaded. Check them out.

4 Months and Counting

Bryson surpassed the 4 month mark. More pictures have been added. Check them out.

Bryson is three months old today. I have uploaded some pictures of him growing up. Check them out

Bryson is 1 month old

Bryson turned 1 month old this past week. More pictures have been added.

Bryson has been home for one week, check out some of his favorite things to do….

Bryson Boisvert Meyer

On Friday October 13th at 12:50pm, Bryson Boisvert
Meyer became the newest member of the family. Kit was a superstar during the difficult labor. Meet Bryson in his first set of pictures. You can even send Bryson an email at bryson@drewmeyer.com

Its baby time….

Kit is ready, now the baby has to do its part. In the meantime check out pre-baby pictures. See the new room and see Kit’s belly grow.

Last weekend Emily, Sean, Eric and Ryan made the long drive up to Humboldt to visit Kit and myself. Sand castles, kitty cats, and Kinetic Sculptures. Pictures of the events have been posted. Check them out.

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