Busy Schedules
Aug 12th, 2009 by kit
We have been very busy over the past several weeks. We had Bryson and Nallia’s cousins, Katie and Atti, their Aunt Jenny and Uncle Attlia and Grandpa visit a few weeks ago. Bryson lots fun running around with his cousins. Nallia was lucky to get several bags of hand-me-downs from Katie. We spent time at the blueberry farm picking berries, hiking and picnicking at Lady Bird Johnson Grove and even showed them the Sequoia Park Zoo.
The following weekend we headed east to Del Loma, where we “camped” across the Trinity River. We stayed on the deck of a friends cabin as we have for the last few years. Bryson loved the river, the small adventure walks we took him on, the fact we had to take a small motor boat to get there and most of all our hosts had a “Rhino”. This 4×4/golf cart vehicle was every boys dream. Nallia on the other hand was not a happy girl in the 102 degree temperature.
This was a great break just before I sat for the International Board Certified Lactation Consultant(IBCLC) exam the following Monday. I won’t know the results untill October 16th so I am just hoping I passed and making the best of the wait.
Last weekend we had a great visit from Drew’s step dad, Pat and his girlfriend, Connie. Since their visit happened to coincide with my birthday we went to Larupin’s  for a fun birthday dinner. While they visited we also ate at the Samoa Cookhouse and walked the Arcata Plaza. They brought great gifts for the kids, including Nike’s for Nallia and Lego’s for B.
This week it has been wonderfully sunny here in the land of clouds and rain. Nallia is now 7 weeks old and weighs over 10lbs. Bryson has also been growing like crazy, he can now reach the light switches, the truck’s door handles and so much more. He is 37 inches and 36 pounds; we had him in for a check up to get his paperwork done for school this far. If he has not already told you he is going to the “Discovery Roomâ€, this is the younger of the two preschool classes at child care center he goes to at HSU. He is very excited and talks to everyone about how they will be able to play on the big play ground and how the room has play dough. He starts back in two weeks.
Because of the break in school B has been home with us the last two weeks and, do to furloughs and paternity leave, it seems Drew has been home a lot too. I started back at work last week and during the few shifts I have worked both kids have been home with Drew. Yesterday I rushed home only to find EVERYONE a sleep in the living room. So we are busy but at least we are getting some sleep. I am sure Drew will get Nallia’s first month’s pictures up at some point 🙂