Bryson Boisvert Meyer
Oct 15th, 2006 by drew
On Friday October 13th at 12:50pm, Bryson Boisvert
Meyer became the newest member of the family. Kit was a superstar during the difficult labor. Meet Bryson in his first set of pictures. You can even send Bryson an email at
I love the wash cloth hat!
Good job everyone. Can’t wait to see Bryson in person.
So…Congrats is due to Drew, Kit and Bryson Boisvert Meyer. He’s already adorable. Happy times and noodle salad.
Hi Bryson! Welcome! Be good to your mom and dad, Drew and Kit–they will be great parents! Congratulations Kit and Drew–he is too cute!
Congratulations Drew and Kit! Welcome to the Meyer Family Bryson. Cincinnati can’t wait to meet you.
Aunt Vickie, Uncle Ricky, Sherrie, Beth, Curtis, and Madison