What a day! Happy Birthday Nallia!
Jun 22nd, 2009 by kit
Here we are. Just 24 hours ago we were calling the midwives to come. After a day or so of on and off contractions things really got going around 10pm last night, one of our lovely midwives got to the house about 10:45. I labored in the birth tub and the shower for just a short time. My water broke at 1am and here she came at 1:18am.
Drew caught her and as you can see from some of the photos she was happy and wide eyed from the start. We woke Bryson up shortly afterward and he was very happy to see a new sister. He had tons of fun roaming the house in the early morning getting away with just about anything while I was cleaned up and Nallia was checked over.
After all calmed down about 5am, we got just a few hours of sleep and B was off to school. Drew checked-in at work and we made a few phone calls. This afternoon was filled with super helpful visits from Brooke and the boys, Jamie and Debbie. Now Bryson is fast asleep and poor Drew has worked his tail off all night and day to help me and care for Bryson, he has even managed to get pictures ready to upload!
So we are off to bed our first night as parent of two! A crazy boy and sweet little girl. How wonderful!
!!!WARNING!!! These are labor and birth photos, there is some nudity. PG-13 (that happens at births 🙂 )