It certainly feels like summer around here. We have started walking and going to the beach at night and spending time in the yard. Since we moved it has pretty much been raining so the unlandscaped yard has pretty much been mud. Over the last few weekends we have started getting the shape and hardscape done, I have spoke with a contractor about laying two patios, I really hope that we can have it done by Nallia’s birthday.
Bryson made a really small garden at a workshop we went to and it has started to sprout. He tells me we will eat everything in it but I really doubt he will eat radishes!
Nallia is cruzing around everywhere! She is a fast crawler and seems to kick it into over drive to find her brother in the house. On Apirl 1st it was no joke that she got her first tooth but we have not seen anymore pop up since then.
We are counting the days until we start picking up at the farm and head to Denver in May!