Much about Nallia
Sep 14th, 2009 by kit
I realized today that those of you out there that don’t see Nallia don’t know all the little things she is doing. She is growing so fast, as all kids do, so I thought I would take a moment to share a few milestones.
(This picture is from Gold Rush Days in Sacramento this past weekend)
At about 4 1/2 weeks old Nalley started to smile. It has brought out her personality and a dimple on the right side that everyone comments on. If they miss the dimple  you can bet they will ask how old she is, then say something like “Oh that’s is a lot of hair” “Was she born with that hair?” or “Was Bryson’s hair dark?”
She rolled from her belly to her back starting at about 6 weeks. Now she does it every time you put down. She has developed a small giggle when you rub under chin and has also recently started scooting backward when she is on her back.
Nallia is one of those babies you think is really a gift. She eats well, most of the time, from the breast or bottle (pumped milk), she sleeps all night and falls asleep about 8:30pm all on her own. This is a bit odd since Bryson has just started to sleep well. Over the last few weeks she has started to suck her right thumb. She more chews it more than sucks on it.
Nallia loves to be held and only cries about one time a day, she generally freaks out about 5pm but then is happy. She lights up when Bryson is around but she is alert and happy when he is not. I honestly see how much they already love each other but I know he can be a little much for her some days. She loves to sleep until about 8:30 (which is just what B did) BUT Bryson gets up about 6ish, sometimes even earlier and tends to wake her up which you can read about on my last post!
Nalley is just about 12 pounds now and her 0-3 months clothes are getting a little tight. I have really started to enjoy the choices of girl clothes and even put clips in her hair today!