Halfway to Somewhere
Feb 2nd, 2009 by kit
Here we are at the start of a new year and Drew’s birthday once again. This year Drew turned 35, which I guess is halfway to 70. We had some of our best friends over for dinner last week and the night of his birthday we made pizza and had chocolate fondue at home. Thanks for all the happy phone calls and well wishes, even though they were for Drew it just reminds me of what wonderful friends and family we have.
The past few months have been busy ones and we hope as the year goes things will settle in a bit. I am now 20 weeks pregnant, about halfway. I am just starting to really feel like I have join the pregnant club. The baby had been moving every night as I relaxed and got ready for bed and just today was really active as I was walking around. My belly is just big enough that at the sandwich place today when I asked for pickles the woman said they were out but they would find some for a pregnant woman. This being the first time a stranger and noted I was pregnant.
I am also about halfway done with my Lactation Consultant program and I hope to speed it up a bit and finish my clinical hours by June 1st. I am now working regularly at the local hospital doing both childbirth and lactation education. Bryson is now at school about 3 days a week and really love it, last week we got a note from a teacher about how good he is about cleaning up and helping others. I know he didn’t get the cleaning up things from us!
Well I have put a note into Drew to post new pictures and to add a video of Bryson singing his ABC’s all the way through maybe it will happen soon.
Happy B-lated B-day Drew…
Ohhh Yeahhhhhhh…..
Well I want to say congratulations on your pregnancy! I am very happy for the two of you and for Bryson also to be a big brother soon.
That is so interesting about your lactation class. What a wonderful thing for you to do. I remember in the “old days” when I had Melissa (1975) that it would have been wonderful to have someone like you to help me with the breast feeding. We had La Leche then and there was a wonderful young woman who tried to give advice once I got home but it would have been most helpful to have a contact while I was in the hospital after delivery. As you know, it’s a learning process and doesn’t always just automatically go well. I remember the book to read then was a book by Karen Pryor but I cannot remember the name. It was the “it” book for all pregnant women. While it may seem easy when you read it in print, it’s not always so easy in the application! 🙂