The House — July 2001
Feb 27th, 2008 by drew
In 2001 I bought my current house from a co-worker who was leaving the area. We agreed on a price and started the escrow process. He packed up and left in June and I was on vacation when the house escrow closed. When I returned from vacation, I was a new homeowner, but with a little surprise awaiting. Before the previous owner left I had helped him out a bit in packing things up and I knew the house would not be spotless when I took possession. So I knew what I was getting myself into. I thought…
I recently found the photos I took the first few visits of my new house. Check them out. I think its funny now, but it was a bit overwhelming when it happened.
A couple of notes. #1. Everything you see in the photos was left behind except for two things. The moving dolly and the vacuum. Everything else were “extras” that came with the house. #2. Aquariums. There was 8 of them left in the house. Some had nothing in them, some had water, some had living things in them, some didn’t. #3 Tip to everyone out there. Do not store dirt in cardboard boxes outside! #4. The kitchen mess. The previous owner had told me he had made arrangements with a mutual friend and they were going to clean the kitchen. When I saw the mess left behind I called him. During that conversation, the friend told me something a bit different. He said the previous owner told him that could come over and take anything he wanted from the kitchen. Thats quite a difference from cleaning it don’t you think? #5. The Fridge. Oh My! This was total grossness. Stuff was packed in the fridge in layers. As things were cleaned out, things started to get older and more disgusting. The eggs were left in the fridge of so long they had evaporated and the dried out yolk rattled on the inside. Frozen pizza with rising crusts should not be unfrozen and left alone, the plastic packaging will expand like a balloon. And what can I say about expired milk… Since fridge was packed in layers, things got unpacked and put directly into the dumpster, expiration dates got older. When I got to the back on the fridge I found what used to be milk. It had expired in November! Almost 8 MONTHS later. I have never cleaned a fridge so well in my life. I thought about replacing it but I would give cleaning a shot before I did. I bought so much baking soda I had to put it on plates and put them in the fridge. The cleaning and deodorizing worked and still have the fridge.