Today Bryson celebrated his 1st Birthday!!!!
Oct 13th, 2007 by drew
Tooth count: Still at 8.
Wow! It’s hard to believe Kit and I have been parents for 1 year. It has gone by rather quickly. To celebrate Kit and I threw a party for Bryson and we had a house full of people over to watch Bryson eat birthday cake. Bryson was a bit confused about his friends bringing over toys and not taking them home. Next weekend Bryson get to celebrate his birthday again with family. All of Bryson’s Grandparents will be their to spoil him with love.
Other than his birthday Bryson has had another busy month. He celebrated his friends Jackson’s first birthday. He also went to the pumpkin patch for the second time, but it’s his first time that’s not in his moms belly. Naps are becoming more important, if he doesn’t get them he is very grumpy. Bryson also started drinking from straw, became a bread monster and managed to locked himself in the car (don’t give your baby your keys with a remote that can lock all the doors.)